Standard of Excellence: Festival Solos, Book 3 - Trombone

Standard of Excellence: Festival Solos, Book 3 - Trombone
Festival Solos Books 1, 2, and 3, by Bruce Pearson, Mary Elledge, and Dave Hagedorn, are collections of outstanding solo arrangements of classic literature from master composers—ideal for contests, festivals, concerts, and private study. Each part book includes demonstration and play-along recordings, with a piano accompaniment book also purchasable separately.
Festival Solos Books 1, 2, and 3, by Bruce Pearson, Mary Elledge, and Dave Hagedorn, are collections of outstanding solo arrangements of classic literature from master composers—ideal for contests, festivals, concerts, and private study. Each part book includes demonstration and play-along recordings, with a piano accompaniment book also purchasable separately.
SmartMusic, a MakeMusic subscription-based interactive assessment software program that provides students with instant performance feedback, is available for Festival Solos Books 1, 2, and 3. The Complete Assessment Manual (W39T) rubrics look to the SmartMusic score as one component of evaluation.
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Address: 1420 SE 163rd Ave, Vancouver, WA 98683
Call or text: 360-694-7134
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Open Mon-Sat: 10 am- 6pm
Address: 791 W 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402
Phone: 541-653-9929
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Open Mon-Sat: 10am- 6pm
Address: 805 Burkhart St SE, Albany, OR 97322
Phone: 541-609-1672