Showtime Favorites - Level 2A
Showtime Favorites - Level 2A
- Publisher: Faber Piano Adventures
- Arrangers: Nancy Faber, Randall Faber
- Piano Level: 2A
This delightful collection of 17 favorite folk songs and familiar melodies offers pieces useful for recital performance, family or group sing-along, and as motivational material for the private or group lesson. Arrangements are in the 5-finger hand positions of C, G, F, Dm and Am, and harmony is limited to single notes and harmonic intervals. Includes:
- Bill Groggin's Goat
- Boom Boom!
- Give My Regards To Broadway
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody
- Irish Washerwoman
- Li'l Liza Jane
- Michael Finnegan
- Music Alone Shall Live
- My Ma Gave Me A Nickel
- Old King Cole
- Off To Bed, Now
- Peter, Peter
- Shave And A Haircut
- The Ash Grove
- The Centipede And The Frog
- The Three Doughs
- The Old Gray Mare
Product Details:
- Inventory # HL00420144
- ISBN: 9781616770358
- UPC: 674398200894
- Series: Faber Piano Adventures®
- Format: Softcover
- Publisher Code: FF1035
- Width: 9.0"
- Length: 12.0"
- 24 pages
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