Legere BSG2.25 Bari Sax Signature
Legere BSG2.25 Bari Sax Signature
Currently In stock
A bright and stable reed colored with a full spectrum of overtones. The reed is very responsive and articulate due to its relative thinness versus the Classic. The Signature for Saxophone is the recommended cut for players in solo, classical, or jazz studio settings.
Beacock Music Vancouver
1 in stock. (Items can be transferred to or from this location)
Open Mon-Fri: 9 am - 8 pm • Sat: 9 am- 6 pm • Sun: 11 am - 6 pm
Address: 1420 SE 163rd Ave, Vancouver, WA 98683
Call or text: 360-694-7134
Beacock Music Eugene
4 in stock. (Items can be transferred to or from this location)
Open Mon-Sat: 10 am- 6pm
Address: 791 W 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402
Phone: 541-653-9929
Beacock Music Albany
4 in stock. (Items can be transferred to or from this location)
Open Mon-Sat: 10am- 6pm
Address: 805 Burkhart St SE, Albany, OR 97322
Phone: 541-609-1672