NNCR No Nuts CymRings, 6pk
NNCR No Nuts CymRings, 6pk
- Elastomeric Compression Fit on No Nuts Cymbal Sleeve
- Squeeze Fits on Sleeve and Stays with Sleeve When Packed Up
- Use CymRings to Position Cymbal Along Tapered Sleeve
- Supports Cymbal Under
- Lock Down Cymbal Over (Splash or China)
- Use In Between Cymbals
- NOW....CymRings Improve Hi-Hat Clutch Response and Don't Distort
The CymRing has been designed to fit tightly onto the No Nuts cymbal sleeve. CymRings go UNDER, OVER OR IN BETWEEN CYMBALS to provide the drummer with cymbal performance control.
Cymbal Resonance Control - How long do I want my cymbal to ring? Do I want to take advantage of the higher tones my cymbal was designed to produce? Lower tones tend to be there all the time, but the higher tones get lost in unnecessary dampening from alternative mounting products.
7 in stock. (Items can be transferred to or from this location)
Open Mon-Fri: 9 am - 8 pm • Sat: 9 am- 6 pm • Sun: 11 am - 6 pm
Address: 1420 SE 163rd Ave, Vancouver, WA 98683
Call or text: 360-694-7134
-1 in stock. (Items can be transferred to or from this location)
Open Mon-Sat: 10 am- 6pm
Address: 791 W 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402
Phone: 541-653-9929
4 in stock. (Items can be transferred to or from this location)
Open Mon-Sat: 10am- 6pm
Address: 805 Burkhart St SE, Albany, OR 97322
Phone: 541-609-1672